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What is Rapé?


Rapé is an incense mixture traditionally used by the indigenous communities of South America. It consists of a mixture of mapacho and various medicinal plants and herbs, which are processed into a fine powder. The exact origin of rapé is not known, as it has been used by indigenous communities for centuries. However, the Nukini, Yawanawa and Kuntanawa communities play an important role in the history and use of rapé.

The Nukini community lives in the Brazilian state of Acre and is known for its use of rapé in ritual ceremonies. They use special rapé varieties consisting of a mixture of mapacho and other healing plants to achieve specific spiritual goals. For example, they use a special type of rapé to deepen their contact with the spiritual beings of nature.

The Yawanawa community also lives in Brazil and in the state of Acre. They are known for their profound spiritual practices and use rapé as part of their ceremonies. They believe that rapé can create a connection between the physical and spiritual worlds and use it to promote healing and enlightenment.

The Kuntanawa community lives in the Brazilian state of Amazonas and is known for its use of rapé as a remedy. They use a special variety of rapé that consists of a mixture of mapacho and other medicinal plants such as muira puama and parika. They believe that this mixture has a powerful effect on the body and can help to alleviate various ailments such as headaches and colds.


What is Rapé production

How is rapé made?

Production begins with the selection of the plants. These are picked and dried by hand. They are then ground into small portions and stored in a clay bowl. This is Mapacho. The other ingredients vary depending on the region and manufacturer. However, plants such as yopo, nixpu, guarana or various herbs are often added.

The plant mixture is then ground to a fine powder on a flat surface made of wood or stone using a mortar or other grinder. The mixture is then sieved through a sieve to remove all lumps and coarse particles.

The final stage of production is mixing with ash. The ash is obtained from the bark of certain trees (Pau Pereira tree, “Platycyamus regnelli”) that grow in the region. The ash is first incinerated to remove all organic materials and then shredded. The ash is then mixed with the mapacho and the rapé is produced.

Mixing ash and plant powder requires skill and experience, as the ratio of the two ingredients is decisive for the effect and quality of the Rapé recipe.

It is important to emphasize that the preparation is a sacred ritual and requires a close relationship with the plants and the spiritual forces contained in the mixture. In some cultures, it is customary for the maker of the rapé to go into deep spiritual meditation before making the product in order to receive the right energy and alignment.


What does Rapé do?

The effect of Rapé is very individual and can vary depending on the herbal mixture and dosage used.

It can create a sense of clarity, relief and spiritual connection.

An important part of the effect of Rapé is the cleansing of the body and the senses. The blend of tobacco and plants can help to release negative energies and blockages in the body and mind and create a deeper connection to nature and spiritual forces.

On a physical level, the entire respiratory system is freed. In other words, the ear, nose and throat area is cleaned and freed of mucus, toxins and bacteria so that the body can be supplied with oxygen more easily and better. This can be used to effectively treat a cold or a cold, for example.

More oxygen -> sensory organs function better -> greater alertness

For example, the hunters of indigenous tribes hold a Rapé ritual before the hunt in order to hunt more efficiently.

Rapé is often used by indigenous communities for medicinal purposes to treat various physical and mental ailments. It is used, for example, to relieve headaches, migraines, nausea and digestive problems. It is also considered a detoxifying and cleansing substance and can help remove mucus and toxins from the respiratory tract.

Rapé is also used for spiritual purposes to establish a deeper connection with nature and spiritual forces. It is often used in ceremonies and rituals to gain spiritual clarity and insight and to open and purify the mind.

What is Rapé? Dosage

Healing properties

based on experience reports

  • Has an anti-depressant effect, helps with insomnia and anxiety
  • Helps clear the mind and end the internal dialog
  • Relieves headaches and drowsiness
  • Promotes intestinal peristalsis
  • Facilitates access to meditation
  • Helps with weaning off addictions
  • Has an antipyretic effect
  • Balances the masculine and feminine sides
  • By stimulating the pineal gland, it has a dream-enhancing effect
  • Alleviates allergies
  • Applied to wounds, it helps with scarring
  • You feel more connected to animals and plants

What is Rapé?

Was ist Rapé? Foto

Rapé is a sacred shamanic natural medicine in the form of snuff.

How do you take Rapé?

Rapé is blown into the nose with the help of applicators (Kuripe and Tepi).

What does Rapé do?

Rapé is often used by indigenous communities for medicinal purposes to treat various physical and mental ailments. It is used, for example, to relieve headaches, migraines, nausea and digestive problems. It is also considered a detoxifying and cleansing substance and can help remove mucus and toxins from the respiratory tract.

Is Rapé legal?

Yes, Rapé is legal all over the world.

Is Rapé healthy?

Yes, it has an anti-depressant effect, helps clear the mind, cleanses the intestines, has an antipyretic effect, alleviates allergies, helps to wean off nasal habits or smoking and helps against headaches.

Which Rapé varieties do you have?

Here you will find our 6 varieties of Rapé presented:


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